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Coworking Place de Pont-Rouge 9
Esplanade de, Place de Pont-Rouge 9Geneva
Bietet an
- 24/7 für Mitglieder
- Klimaanlage
- Alkohol
- Breakout-Bereiche
- Geschäftsbereich
- CCTV-Überwachung
- Kaffee
- Unterhaltung
- Veranstaltungsfläche
- Hoch Geschwindigkeits Internet
- Wasserkocher und Tee
- Küche
- Bücherei
- Schließfach
- Salon
- Mittagessen
- Postbearbeitung
- Mikrowelle
- Parken auf dem Gelände
- Drucken/Scannen/Kopieren
- Private Telefonzelle
- Rezeptionist
- Dach
- Duschen
- Terrasse
Coworking Place de Pont-Rouge 9 is on more than 4000 m2 this workspace of superlatives impresses with a comprehensive equipment. Beautiful team offices, 18 meeting rooms of various sizes, a workshop area with a ceiling height of 7 m, two restaurants and a roof terrace, as well as its own conferencing center. The in-house fitness room is almost forgotten. This is what an office should look like today. But be careful: There is a risk of staying too long.