FLYDESK certification labels
4 certification labels to help the FLYDESK community choose the best option of flexible workspace available.
Don't get lost trying to differentiate proposals in this growing and unequal workspace market but trust our expertise.

Premium Label
the most prestigious, design, unique and luxurious workspace

Inspirerende merkelapp
the most dynamic, stimulating and creative workspace

the most professional, enterprise and convenient workspace

the most particular, niche, dedicated and original workspace
FLYDESK certified partners

Vi samarbeider kun med de beste, og vi deler et felles oppdrag om å muliggjøre fleksibelt arbeid.

Workspace offers
A solution for every flexible work need
Book your desk for the day or a meeting room for an hour in one of our certified workspace locations.
Enquire for your next office move, the organization of an event or setup your business address with a virtual office.
- Coworking hotdesk
- Dedikert skrivebord
- Office for rent
- Møterom
- Arrangementsrom
- Virtuelt kontor